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Published on 02/04/2017

Getting to know the Martek team – Emma Bampton

We have a fantastic team of people here at Martek Marine and we would like to introduce everyone to you. As part of our “Getting to know the Martek team” series, we want to introduce you to our next team member Emma Bampton who is celebrating her 5 year Martek anniversary this year.

Emma works in the FastCalGas (FCG) team as an Account Manager and we asked her a few questions to help you get to know her better…

How long have you worked at Martek Marine?

Just over 5 years, but I’ve only been in the FCG team since March 2017

What do you love about Martek?

Everyone is really happy to help each other out and share knowledge, if someone doesn’t know something, they will always try and help you find the person who does and then teach you, rather than tell you- making sure you understand.

Describe an average day in the office?

Every day is different- that’s another thing I love! It mostly revolves around getting the customer what they want, when they want, where they want it! This can be through raising the quotes for gas, tubes etc; processing the orders and talking to various couriers to find the fastest, cheapest and easiest way to ship our customers the gas; working with the hubs we have around the world to get orders shipped quickly.

Being an “Account Manager” rather than just a sales person means I am able to really understand what each customer wants, and what they value- we work hard to take the hassle out of purchasing calibration gas.

What has been your proudest moment at Martek?

I created a ‘dashboard’ on our system, which shows all the stock we have in, when orders are due in and when orders are due out- so we can always know what we have available; meaning we can give customer information a lot quicker than we could before.

What are your main interests outside of the office?

I play a lot of netball- I’m a member of 2 teams, and also sometimes help out other teams (I even managed to convince some of the Martek boys to play in a mixed tournament last December!)

What are you known for?

Probably my rubbish jokes- especially ones about cheese!

What was the last gift you gave someone?

I know it’s boring, but I got my brother-in-law a Next voucher for his birthday. They have a baby on the way, so it means he can get something for him, or for the baby- whichever he decides!

The best gift I’ve given someone recently was the game “Guess Who?” but I replaced all the picture with photos of our friends- she cried when she opened it.