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ECDIS Publications


Martek Marine is now an authorised direct distributor of UKHO ADMIRALTY ECDIS Charts, including AVCS charts and publications. ADMIRALTY Nautical Publications are internationally recognised for their accuracy and excellence by mariners around the globe. Bringing simplicity, flexibility and speed to passage planning and navigation.

Publications Available;

  • ADMIRALTY Digital List of Lights
  • ADMIRALTY Digital Radio Signals
  • ADMIRALTY TotalTide
  • The ADMIRALTY e-Nautial Publications

The ADMIRALTY Digital Publications (ADP)

ADMIRALTY Digital List of Lights

The most comprehensive worldwide source of navigational light and fog signal information. ADLL contains all the detail of the original paper edition, with the added convenience of fast, accurate weekly updates; substantially reducing the time and effort needed to keep it up-to-date.

  • Familiarity and reassurance
  • Compliance with SOLAS requirements
  • Fast and efficient updates

ADMIRALTY Digital Radio Signals

Maritime radio communications information worldwide. Now available in digital format making it easier to search and update than paper publications.

  • ADRS 1, 3, 4, 5 – radio comms and info relay
  • ADRS 2 – positional and timekeeping references
  • ADRS 6 – pilot services, VTS and port operations


ATT helps bridge officers take full advantage of favourable tides – allowing them to calculate safe clearances, making departure, arrival and transit planning easier.

  • Instant port predictions
  • Provides worldwide coverage enabling easier planning
  • Compliance with SOLAS requirements
  • Help bridge officers calculate safe clearance

Register Your Interest

Get in touch now to register your interest in the ECDIS Publications. Our friendly, professional team is waiting to help you with all your enquiries about ECDIS.


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