Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is the world’s biggest killer, killing over 3 million people worldwide every year.
The only life-saving treatment for such an event, when onboard a vessel, is the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED). Providing access to a defibrillator increases the survival rate of people you’re responsible for on your vessel from 10% to 74%. The good news is that as well as being such lifesavers, they are also extremely low maintenance –but that mustn’t be confused with no maintenance.
Maintaining the life-saving AED onboard your vessel isn’t going to be front of mind on most days. By putting a simple six-step maintenance plan in place, you can make sure your AED is in optimal condition whenever you need it – the last thing you need in those first few critical minutes is to be running neglected checks on a life-saving device.
Complete the form below to download the Lifeforce AED 6-Step Maintenance Checklist