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The safety of vessels and crews is of paramount importance and one of the biggest dangers for shipping comes from gas. Are you aware of the issues associated with gas detection, what operators must be aware of in terms of regulations and the actual process of calibrating gas detection equipment?

Gas Detection Equipment Guide

In the continuous drive to improve maritime safety, the regulatory bodies of the maritime industry strive to improve gas detection and measurement on board ships by introducing new regulations.

Carrying effective gas detection equipment – and making sure that equipment is performing – is an essential and potentially lifesaving consideration. Making sure your crew and your vessel are always safe from harmful gases is vital, so a portable gas detector is an important piece of equipment. We’ve come a long way since the 19th and early 20th centuries. Now gas detection methods are much more precise

This guide outlines some of the issues associated with gas detection, what operators must be aware of in terms of regulations and the actual process of calibrating gas detection equipment. It also looks at the challenges faced by operators and how to significantly reduce costs while increasing safety and efficiency.

  • Regulations
  • Calibrating
  • Common Costs
  • On-Shore Calibration
  • Onboard Calibration
  • Price Comparison: On-shore vs Onboard
  • Calibration Gases
  • No Calibration

The latest – Regulation XI-1/7 – which the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) brought into force in July 2016, made it mandatory for all applicable vessels to carry portable gas detectors onboard and test them regularly.

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