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Regular checking and repair of hatches is cheaper and more effective than major repairs or incidents caused by neglect.

Learn more about the best practices that you should always do when conducting hatch cover inspection and maintenance.

Keep your hatch covers covered.

To be an industry leader in carrying cargo, you need to make sure your ships are cargo-worthy. Businesses are trusting you to get their bulk goods from one place to another in tip-top shape and the only way to do this is to make sure your ship’s performance is top-notch.

While it’s helpful to you as a business to ensure your hatch covers are in perfect shape, it’s also a requirement by law.

The consequences for poor hatch upkeep are not just economical but for safety also. Poor hatch maintenance can lead to cargo liquefaction that in a worst-case scenario can cause a ship to roll without recovering.

In this guide, we’ll discuss:

  • Legislations surrounding hatch covers
  • Hatch cover tightness testing
  • The most efficient and accurate hatch cover testing method
  • Bests practices for hatch cover inspection and maintenance
  • Worst practices for hatch cover inspection and maintenance

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Download our FREE guide now to learn more about the best practices in maintaining your hatch covers.


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