Published on 11/07/2019
Calibration gases are essential for making sure gas detection equipment is performing effectively. But keeping vessels fully stocked with up-to-date calibration gases can be challenging, costly and time-consuming, especially when managing multiple types of vessels, all with different gas requirements, operating around the world.
FastCalGas™ 121 is a fleet-wide, fully managed service that removes the logistical challenges of calibration gas management and ensures you’ll never get caught out and run the risk of having to buy expensive, low-quality gas from unknown overseas suppliers at short notice. All you need to do is tell us what equipment you have on board. We’ll calculate exactly how much gas each vessel needs and send a 2-year supply directly to its next convenient port of call.
Here are ten ways FastCalGas™ 121 can help you streamline your calibration gas supply and administration:
1. Never run out
When a vessel suddenly informs you that it’s run out of calibration gas, you’ll be forced to use a local supplier. This means that the gas will most likely be poor quality with a short shelf-life. In addition to this, the costs of delivery, agent, import and launch boat fees will result in you paying way over the odds-on shipping just one or two bottles.
This can all be avoided by using FastCalGas™. We can calculate exactly how much gas you’ll need over the next 24 months then send it directly to the vessel. It simplifies the process into one order, two years’ supply and one delivery.
2. Fewer administration charges
Multiple re-stocking deliveries for each ship means more freight costs, more dangerous goods charges and higher customs’/agent’s fees.
Our 1-2-1 service is designed to cut down on these charges as well as the hidden costs that come from the time spent on administration and logistics. Reducing your administration charges by up to 50%.
3. Stress-free
Organising a reliable supply of calibration gas for a global fleet can prove troublesome and time-consuming – time that superintendents could be spending in higher value and more critical areas of the business.
Using a managed service removes all this stress from the process. We review your vessels gas detectors to determine your requirements and run on-going checks with vessels to ensure they have an adequate supply on board. In the unlikely event of your supply running low because we’ve under-calculated your usage, we’ll arrange for replacements to be sent directly to the vessel.
4. Less wastage
Because of the instability and impurity of the gases used and the relatively poor quality of cylinders within the industry, most calibration gases have a short shelf-life of just 6-12 months. This means that gases need to be replaced more regularly – regardless of how much remains in the cylinder.
Using products of a higher quality and a significantly longer shelf-life can therefore make a great deal of difference.
5. Longer shelf Life
FastCalGas has a 27-month manufactured shelf life on all reactive mixtures – a world first. It has the highest gas production standards of any calibration gas on the market and uses advanced materials with a mass spectrometer to analyse and verify the quality of every cylinder. In 30,000 deliveries, only two defects have ever been reported, a quality yield of over 99.993%.
6. Shipped across the globe
Wherever in the world your vessels operate, our FastCalGas 121 team have access to a global delivery network of 8 international hubs, taking away the added pressure of finding local suppliers and managing complicated overseas logistics yourself. Our lean order processing and extensive global supply chain means that 98% of our orders are shipped within 24 hours.
7. Compatibility
This can be a headache when using multiple suppliers. Quality control will also be an issue as different suppliers will all need to meet the same standards. FastCalGas is guaranteed to be compatible with all the leading brands of gas detectors and, because everything is coming from one supplier, you can be sure that the quality will always be consistent.
8. Easy to sign up
All we need to know is what gas detectors your vessels are using, how often they bump/calibrate on average and what flow rate regulators they use. You can simply pass on your inventory or let us contact the ships directly to get the information, we take care of all the rest. There’s no contract, no long-term commitment, and no hassle.
9. Flexibility
We don’t need to ship all your calibration gas in one delivery and one location for every vessel. We can ship a single vessel’s two-year supply to meet it at the next convenient port so the agent doesn’t have to pay high storage fees for long periods.
The cost can be spread over twenty-four months or you can make savings with a discounted price that’s paid with the initial delivery of gas to each ship. There may also be credit and invoice options available depending on your budget and your requirements – we can tailor our service to suit your needs.
10. Superior service
Martek has 20 years of gas detection experience and our customer service is renowned in the maritime industry. You can expect technical experts with a full set of language skills who are proficient in organising the handling of dangerous cargo.
With an industry leading product quality, worldwide distribution network, and expert team, FastCalGas™ 121 is your answer to pain-free calibration gas supply for your entire fleet, allowing you to free up your time and concentrate on other tasks.
Contact us today to find out how FastCalGas™ 121 can offer you fleet-wide, risk-free calibration gas supply that’s on time, every time.
Want to find out more about calibration gas?
For more information on the process of supplying calibration gases, download our free whitepaper here.